![]() December 2019 “From day one, God the Father determined not to shelter His Son from the rude, crude realities of life on planet earth. Jesus understands. He’s been there.” Bill Hybels Dear Friends, This morning as I was reading my devotions, I found myself emotionally moved by God’s decision to send his Son to earth on our behalf. Can you imagine the God who created this earth who has the very best of everything sending his Son to be human? Jesus felt the same things we feel, He had problems just like we experience and He did it all to personally relate to us. Now, that is amazing. God wanted his Son to experience life in its truest form. Christ’s place of birth was not a sterile hospital but rather a stable filled with animals. The first noises he must have heard were the grunts of livestock. His first breath must have reeked of animal urine. Jesus did not have a christening outfit but rather dusty cloths called swaddling clothes. Why? God’s purpose was to have his son relate to us on every level. His birth was in the most humble surroundings to demonstrate that though his roots were from the purest bloodline - Jesus came for all - rich and poor alike. Jesus had a real family with family problems. He worked a real job (blue collar at that). Jesus lived in a neighborhood that many would call a “barrio” today. He suffered pain and sorrow just as we do. Jesus did this all to demonstrate that He understands. Life without advantage? He lived it. Poverty? He has been there. Rejection? He experienced it. Ridicule? It was part of His daily life. Physical Pain? More than we can ever imagine. All in all, quite a Christmas gift that is offered to us. That is what City Impact staff demonstrate on a daily basis. Please continue to pray for us as we share this precious gift with others who have not yet experienced it. Thank you for your continued love, prayer and financial support to City Impact this past year. Please know that God has multiplied your gifts to assist “at-risk” children, youth and families. May you and your family experience the joy and blessings of Christ’s gift. Because of Him, Betty Alvarez Ham, President Comments are closed.
June 2024